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By-laws are secondary rules that expand on the Rules of Incorporation Association (Constitution) and will generally deal with internal, administrative or operational matters that are not required to be included in the Rules. They are subordinate to the Rules, cannot be inconsistent with the Rules and can be easily amended within the club – Clubs (WA). 

The making of By-Laws is provided for in the BRC Rules of Association under Rule 64 By-Laws & Regulations:


The Committee shall have the power to make By-Laws and Regulations for fully and effectively carrying out and giving force to the objects, rights, powers and authorities of the Rules of Association and for the regulation and management of the Club.  Such By-Laws and Regulations may from time to time be amended, varied or rescinded by the Committee. 




By-Law 1: Code of Conduct - Members 

By-Law 2: Code of Conduct - Management Committee 

By-Law 3: Code of Conduct - Children 

By-Law 4: Code of Conduct - Interactions with Children 





The Busselton Repertory Club Inc is operated by volunteers for the benefit of members.  

All members of the Club have an individual and collective responsibility to contribute in a positive way to the operations of the Club. Membership of the BRC is a privilege and carries with it a responsibility to uphold our reputation and not engage in conduct that is unbecoming, contrary to the laws of Australia, brings the BRC and its members into disrepute or is contrary to the Rules of Association or by-laws of the BRC. 


Members and Visitors agree to abide by the Member’s Code of Conduct:  

  • To respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, political beliefs or religion;  

  • To be fair and considerate in all dealings with others;  

  • To be tolerant of other users of the Theatre;  

  • To behave in a manner that ensures the reputation and standing of BRC; 

  • To behave in a manner that ensures the health and safety of volunteers, members and visitors; 

  • To behave in a manner that respects the physical property and facilities provided by BRC;  

  • To behave in a manner that meets the high standards of social behaviour which are customary and traditional for Community and Repertory Theatre Clubs; and 

  • To not abuse or cause offence to volunteers, members and visitors. 


Behaviours that are not acceptable can fall within the following: 

The use of coercion, force or threat, abuse, aggressive domination or intimidation of others. 

Unacceptable behaviours may take the form of either emotional, verbal, physical or cyber. May include but not be limited to: 


  • Undue criticism.  

  • The spreading of untrue or malicious rumours.  

  • The use of insulting or offensive language or comments towards or about others.  

  • Excluding or isolating people from club activities.  

  • Assigning difficult or meaningless tasks to volunteers and members.  

  • Verbal abuse.  

  • Physical abuse.  

  • Withholding information needed to perform a task.  

  • Emailing others regarding personal disputes or criticism of others.  


The Clubs Member’s Code of Conduct applies equally to all members and their guests, including members from other clubs visiting the Club for functions. Members are encouraged to self-monitor to ensure that they do not stray into indulging in any of the above behaviours themselves as well as having the confidence to recognise that they have the right to stand against such behaviours.  

The Management Committee of the BRC may take any action considered necessary on a reported breach of this Code of Conduct and any member found in breach may be dealt with as specified under the Club’s Rules of Association. Any visitor breaching this code may be asked to leave the premises. 

The BRC does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying, or threatening behaviour.  Members must not act in a way that creates risk to themselves or others. 

At all times parent and guardians shall be responsible for the behaviour of their children on BRC premises. 



All complaints should be brought to the attention of the President or to the Committee in writing. 



The environmental protection of the lease area of the BRC is vital so littering, lighting of fires or the discharge of waste material is not permitted. 

Members who bring dogs into BRC grounds are expected to ensure their dog is on a leash, always under their control and the owner cleans up after them.  



The following behaviour is considered inappropriate at the Club and will not be permitted:  

  • participation in any illegal activity, including possession or consumption of any illegal substances, or the supply of such substances;  

  • the supply of alcohol or tobacco to minors,  

  • stealing or destruction of property of any kind or conduct of a gross, obscene or loud nature;  

  • swearing, abusive language and/or action against another competitor or participant;  

  • loud or excessive noise which may result in the disturbance of other members or patrons; 

  • parents (or other custodians) shall be responsible for the conduct of persons in their care under 18 years of age at all times.  

  • complaints in regard to the Busselton Repertory Club must be directed, in writing, to the President or to the Committee

  • physical and/or verbal abuse of any nature directed against other members, volunteers or visitors is not considered appropriate and is not permitted.  


Within the Theatre

Members will ensure that the comfort of other patrons is not unreasonably disturbed. Members will respect other patrons and will conduct themselves in a manner that will not cause offense.  


Junior members and children may be admitted to the licensed areas provided that they are under parental or adult supervision.  


Theatre facilities are to be left clean and tidy after use and any identified issues that require attention should be reported to the Theatre Manager.


Members, Volunteers and Visitors will abide by the Responsible Service of Alcohol legislation.   


Dress Code  

Members shall comply with a reasonable standard of casual dress.   Members shall be responsible for the attire of their guests. 


Smoking (including e-cigarettes)  

By law, smoking is not permitted in the Theatre or within three (3) metres of any entrance.  


Complaints & Disputes  

Complaints and/or reports concerning failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may be referred to the President of the BRC or Committee for consideration and if applicable disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the BRC Rules of Association.  

All members must follow the Club Rules of Association by-laws and policies to handle any disputes. 




The Committee are the persons who under the rules of the incorporated association have the power to manage the affairs of the club. 


Duties and Responsibilities

As a member of the Committee of the Busselton Repertory Club inc. 

  • I will act within the Club Rules of Association. 

  • I will take all reasonable steps to ensure the club complies with: 

▪ its obligations under the Act; 

▪ the Club Rules of Association; 

▪ any funding agreements or other contracts; 

▪ its legal responsibilities to members, volunteers and persons who use the club’s services; 

▪ insurance requirements; and 

▪ any other relevant laws or regulations. 

  • I understand I have a duty of care and diligence and will exercise my powers and discharge my duties with the degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise. 

  • I will exercise my powers and discharge my duties in good faith in the best interests of the club and for a proper purpose. 

  • I will not improperly use my position to gain an advantage for myself or another person or cause detriment to the club. 

  • I will not improperly use information obtained as a committee member to gain an advantage for myself or another person or cause detriment to the Club. 

  • I will not allow the club to incur a debt if: 

▪ the club is insolvent at the time the debt is incurred or becomes insolvent by incurring that debt, or by incurring at that time debts including that debt; and 

▪ immediately before the debt is incurred: 

▪ there are reasonable grounds to expect that the club is insolvent; or 

▪ there are reasonable grounds to expect that, if the club incurs the debt, the club will become insolvent: 

  • I will maintain the confidentiality of proceedings and matters relating to the strategic governance and management of the Club. 

  • I will declare all material personal interests, whether financial or non-financial, and leave the committee meeting during discussion and voting. 


Corporate Governance 

As a representative of Club Members, I understand I should: 

  • Act with discipline and integrity by being transparent, honest and consistent in my decision-making process and take full responsibility for my actions and activities connected with the Club. 

  • Co-operate fully with Club Members, and the community at large. 

  • Provide strategic direction so that the Club is able to set specific goals and targets that are consistent with the mission and vision of the Club. 

  • Monitor performance so that the Club is able to achieve targets and goals within a predetermined time-frame. 

  • Ensure conformity so that the Club does not violate the Club Rules of Association and any legislative, ethical or community standards when achieving goals and targets. 

  • Report progress to Club Members so that Club Members fully endorse the policy directions taken by the Committee. 

  • Subscribe to ethical business practices by not endorsing, encouraging or promoting measures that lead to tax evasion; false representation of products and services; misuse of the market power of their Club; violation of the environment; abuse of community trust, or other illegal practices. 

  • Ensure good risk management procedures are in place which at minimum undertake to avoid, eliminate or minimise the element of risk associated with the exposure of their Club to mismanagement, market forces, business dealings and industrial relations activities, and to myself personally in my decision-making process. 

  • Commit myself to continually update my knowledge on various legislation, policies and practices that affect the Club Industry. 

  • Promptly declare to a meeting of the Committee any gift or gratuity over $100 offered to me in my capacity as a Committee Member and will abide by the decision of the Committee as to the best way to dispose of these gifts or gratuities.  

  • Report to the President and only operate through the President. 

  • Consult with Club Members on all policy direction issues in accordance with the Club Rules of Association; with these consultations occurring through the Chair. 

  • Only liaise with and work through the President or Committee.

  • Establish clear guidelines for myself that promote a sense of group responsibility including: 

▪ Attendance to meetings; 

▪ Expertise contribution; 

▪ Governance; 

▪ Supporting the President in representing the Club; 

▪ Use and direct Club resources, whether financial or otherwise, prudently. 

Any Committee Members who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action for misconduct, as per the Club Rules of Association. 





Members and visitors who are children and young people agree to:   

  • abide by this Code of Conduct;    

  • respect the physical property and facilities provided by the BRC;  

  • treat all other children and young people as you like to be treated;  

  • do not bully or take unfair advantage of others;  

  • control their temper;   

  • respect the rights, dignity and worth of all cast and crew regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.  


Complaints and Disputes  

Complaints and/or reports concerning failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may be referred to the President or Committee for consideration and if applicable disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the BRC Rules of Association. All members must follow the Club Rules of Association by-laws and policies to handle any disputes. 


  Law 4: Code of Conduct – Interactions with Children 


The BRC is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and youth who use our Club. 

Our volunteers and members will treat them with respect and understanding at all times. To ensure children and youth are kept safe from harm, the following code of conduct for interacting with children and youth applies.  

This code of conduct applies to all volunteers and persons working with children and youth in our organisation. 

The standards of appropriate behaviour include:  

  • be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with others;  

  • treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations;  

  • always place the safety and welfare of children/youth above other considerations; 

  • comply with the BRC Rules of Association, by-laws and policies;   

  • comply with all relevant Australian laws (Federal and State), particularly antidiscrimination and child protection laws;  

  • be responsible and accountable for their conduct;  

  • respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their abilities, gender, religion or cultural background; 

  • language – no swearing, derogatory terms, sexual jokes/innuendos; 

  • relationships – no special favours/relationships;  

  • physical contact – only if necessary due to nature of activities and age/abilities of children and youth;  

  • cultural diversity – respect for all people regardless of cultural identity and cultural practices/behaviour; 

  • bullying and harassment – the BRC does not tolerate bullying or harassment by anyone, including amongst children/youth; and  

  • behaviour management and discipline – corrective practices are not punitive, humiliating or aggressive.  


Illicit substances 

BRC members, volunteers and all other persons shall not use or be affected by the use of drugs or alcohol while in the presence, engagement and caring for children and young people from the time they are dropped off to the time they are picked-up. This includes prescription medications that affect mental alertness and capacity.  



Members, volunteers and all other persons shall not take, publish or distribute photographs of children and youth without the express permission of their parent or guardian. 


Electronic communication   

Members, volunteers and all other persons shall not use email, telephone and internet communication with young people without the express knowledge of the youth’s parent or guardian. 

In the event that the code of conduct for interacting with children/youth is breached, actions will be taken in accordance with our Rules of Association or the law. 


Complaints and Disputes  

Complaints and/or reports concerning failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may be referred to the President Committee for consideration and if applicable disciplinary action may be taken in accordance with the BRC Rules of Association  

All members must follow the Club Rules of Association by-laws and policies to handle any disputes. 


DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE:   I Agree to the Code of Conduct (above).  Click the button below.

What's in this newsletter?

  1. Our Pantomime in review.

  2. Want to perform at the Fringe Festival in March?

  3. How about volunteering for Busselton Fringe!!!

  4. Local Business Sponsorship Opportunity


1.  2025 Pantomime
The reviews are in.  Even though our traditional annual pantomime was a much smaller affair, and even named "Almost a Pantomime", it was a great success.  Performed in the Senior Citizens' Centre, our performances were well attended, and many positive comments were heard.  Congratulations to all our cast, crew and the many support workers who brought this show together. Thanks to so many who contributed to our success, technical crew, front-of-house, props management, Acting Up! for the stage setup and drapes, costuming, production and more. We look forward to performing at our Weld Theatre again real soon.

2.  Busselton Fringe is in March. 

Would you like to be part of a small, short performance, like a monologue, duologue or melodrama?  
Monologue:  Speaking and acting out a short funny, dramatic or entertaining piece on a small stage with or without props.
Duologue:  Two people speaking and acting out a short funny, dramatic or entertaining piece on a small stage with or without props.
Melodrama:  Rehearsing and acting a short entertaining play, serious, funny, mysterious, crazy or a combination of .
We have people who could help you prepare and rehearse.
However, expressions of interest are required this weekend.  Contact Janet on or 0428 521 803.

3.  Volunteering at Busselton Fringe is fun.  Here's how to be a part of it.

Are you energetic and passionate about events in our region, live performances and helping out in the community?  Do you have a "can do" attitude that enjoys embracing the unique and interesting, the quirky and impromptu?​  Then send your application to join the Busselton Fringe team as a Fringe Friend!
Roles are many and varied, including checking tickets, meeting and greeting, working in the box office, promotional activities and general event support.​​

All Fringe Friends will receive:

  • A Fringe T-shirt

  • A ticket to a show

  • An opportunity to work with interesting people

  • A post-event thank you party

Just go to and register your interest.

4.  Business owners:  Check out this Sponsorship Opportunity

As many of you know, the Busselton Fringe Festival happens every year in March.  This year, they are giving local businesses a great sponsorship opportunity.  Any sponsorship large or small would assist you in publicity at this fantastic event, featuring local and national artists for community entertainment.  

Just click on the link below to see all the details.  Go for it!!

2025 Busselton Fringe Festival Sponsorship Prospectus

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